Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mass Sharing in the Future!

I believe that mass sharing in the future is going to be extremely important for young students and adults alike in order to keep the world small enough to function. Mass sharing has become very important to me as a person who lives far away from her family and friends. It helps me to keep in touch with my friends and I am able to share ideas with them easier than ever. As an educator, mass sharing for me has just begun but will be so important in improving my ability to complete more in less time for work and this may even mean less meetings but more effective teaching. Students who use mass sharing have found it so much easier to collaborate online than trying to get together during the day at someone's house during their busy after-school schedules. Students are learning and communicating more because of mass sharing. Often times in science class discussions there are students who always end up dominating the discussion, but if students are mass sharing and responding on line about certain concepts, they are less reluctant to speak. Mass sharing is a wonderful tool for communication, collaboration, and reflection!

1 comment:

  1. You bring up an interesting point about students who are quite reticent to contribute face-to-face, but feel more confident collaborating online. There is growing evidence that shy students who interact in online virtual environments are able to transfer these skills to the real world. Who would have thought that? So many of us assumed the opposite.
